Karen DeWitz

Let's Explore the Beach!

The Wild Arts Festival welcomes back Karen DeWitz and her latest, Let's Explore the Beach!, a wonderful resource for young adventurers and families who explore the shores along the West Coast. A field guide focusing on the amazing creatures and plants along the Pacific coast, Let’s Explore the Beach! is full of color photos and fascinating facts: clone wars, poisonous algae blooms, and glow-in-the dark spectacles nearby along our Pacific Coast. Karen helps her readers discover the secrets of tide pools, rocky shorelines, and the shorebirds that call our coast home. Accomplished not only as an author but also as a photographer of portraits, milestone events, nature and art, she has previously written Look at that Bird! and describes herself as “a nature-loving bird nerd.” She lives in Oregon City and can be found watching the many dozens of birds that grace the woods outside her porch, or more readily at karendewitz.com. Karen will join us at the WAF Book Fair on Sunday, December 8th. Come and meet her. Please check the official signing schedule published by Bird Alliance of Oregon in case of changes before you head out.

Visit Karen’s website.