Ferris Jabr
Becoming Earth: How Our Planet Came to Life
The Wild Arts Festival Book Fair extends a warm welcome to Ferris Jabr whose Becoming Earth: How Our Planet Came to Life has caused quite a stir. On its website, Penguin Random House quotes Pulitzer Prize winner and author of An Immense World, Ed Jong, who calls Ferris’s book, “glorious…full of achingly beautiful passages, mind-blowing conceptual twists, and wonderful characters.” Ferris, a contributing writer to the New York Times Magazine has published in many journals including Harper’s, National Geographic, and Scientific American. In Becoming Earth he takes a radical, NEW look at our planet, a place where “lush forests spew water, pollen and bacteria to summon rain…microbes chew rocks to shape continents, and microscopic plankton remake the air and sea.” Among all the astounding revelations regarding life on Earth and the parts we humans play, we learn that goings on in the Amazon rain forest influence weather in North America from California through Canada. By the way, Becoming Earth will also be available in Spanish. Please come meet Ferris at WAF on Saturday, December 7th. Please check the schedule put out by Bird Alliance of Oregon for any changes before you head out. And, if you are curious and you have some time, you can watch Sanders Kleinfeld interview Ferris about the book on You Tube. Fascinating.